Itty & Bitty's World

Spend some time exploring Itty & Bitty's world! There are 23 picture stories, poems, videos and even a picture to color hidden on the map below. Can you find them all!


itty and bitty world map Barnes & Noble Book Signing Itty & Bitty on Dallas TV Bartonville - Nancy, our author, with her horse, Bravo! Stable Mable Peggy the Teaching Horse Devon Horse Show and Country Fair New York Itty & Bitty Fan Club Headquarters School Itty and Bitty go to school -- a poem Little Big Man Molly - Beloved Bouvier A Bouvier's Best Friend" for Jayne Beth Summer at Steele Away Farm Poem About Mini Horse Show Zoo Mini-Measures Mini-Riddle Polo Ralph Lauren The Rite Way to Go Itty and Trojan Itty & Bitty Watch Basketball Bitty and Belle

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